Thursday, April 2, 2020


Hello world.

Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction movement order. Which means, most businesses must be closed, no offices are allowed to be open unless they come under the categories of essential needs. While some are surviving, others are sinking. Its a hard and tough time. *cries*

The nature of my work is tourism. Its the first few industry to feel the whack of this virus. Today, on the day 17th of PKP, I am feeling down and depressed. It looks pretty much difficult to stay afloat. Income? Surviving with zero income? Everyday I read on social media about those asking how to fight employers to demand compensation for the dismissal.  Companies do no bloody care of you wanna persure with you lawsuit and what not. WHY? BECAUSE THEY CANT AFFORD TO CARE! There are barely breathing and you want to file a lawsuit????? There is no money to fight for may pray a few month from today they will have money to pay the lawsuit. But in the mean time what are you going to eat? So please channel yourself to a better route rather than filing lawsuits. The only people who may be getting income here are lawyers.

Malaysia has never been hit by any catastrophe like the Covid 19.  We have never had to fight something like this. We had never been shut down almost completely like this. We have no experience on how to react. So please....think! Dont just drown in you own sorrow. If you want a place in your employers company, offer something! So be too self entitled.

Its not easy for any employer to accept defeat and cut losses by cutting ties with its employees. But what can they do? Some cannot pay your salary...and you want to file a lawsuit. GREAT! just GREAT!

Enough of my ranting.

On a more positive side. I may have figured something out. At least small scale...won't be my full income, but I hope it helps.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Studying in Public places

The thing is....
1. Naqib is being homeschooled aka in between schools
2. the was this hoo haa about students at McDonalds drama

My youngest huney bunny left his learning centre after 1st term of year 5. My reasons were simple, the fees hike does not tally with the lessons there. I mean, we pay premium for education to get education not just teachers using my kids as guinea pigs. Qibby was there for 2 years and 1 term. Year 4 was the ultimate downfall. He practically learnt nothing much. I mean year 4 practicing addition and subtractions everyday instead of learning multiplications was wayyyy to much for me to digest. To top it up, Qibby's writing was not to be proud of.

In a small learning centre that screams out attention and expertise, I had high expectations. Instead I had to practice high tolerance. I understand that it was a thematic based centre making it difficult to monitor, but there are levels to be achieved at all times.

So here I am, took him in under my wings to prepare him for Year 7. Why year 7? Its the first year of secondary school. New school new friends new beginnings. It makes more sense to you all if I say the older 2 kids goes to a secondary school with no primary option. Oh wait, its normal for primary to be separated from secondary right? But MY KIDS had been in the same school for the past 4 years..almost 5. Soooo, I have had the privilege of sending all of them together to one place to learn and I need only deal with 1 school for all of them...ahhahahahh. SO yeah, to Secondary we go now!

Homeschooling is a BIG responsibility. I have decided to spread it around. Hiring tutors to help me cover some bases also lengthen my lifespan huh... I am fussy. So the tutor I have found and approve for now, has Ampang under their far far away list of places to teach. Since kids have training in UM, mommy decided to have tuition near UM and near kids school (TTDI)

I can't possibly rent a house just for this now can I? Ok, takat ni nyesal la jual condo kat TTDI tuh walau pun bilik kids mcm tak cukup. So we opt for tuition in public places. Pilihan hati? Starbucks TTDI. Its not too noise (usually), tapi harini because I am writing kuat and orang pun cakap macam kat pasar. Qibby and his teacher, they are calm. Since its a one to one interaction, its manageble. Do we need to tell people to hush? Nope, its ok, we learn to live in this society and we grow, adapt...My other kids also do their homework here if they need to (note that my kids have tight schedule and they learn to manage their time). If its noisy, some time they use ear phones and turn on their Spotify.

Would I recommend group work here? Work is ok, you need to discuss and you yourself would be noisy. Would I recommend group studies here? Nope. Group studies is just studying in a group for a short periods but it also requires you to study (read and digest ) by yourself. So find a private entity! Or Group chats can work too..but hey whats the fun kan....apehal ko nak fun??? study is a serious matter   :P

What do I do when Qibby has tuition? Mommy's office is now in session. And i also take time to write. All in Starbucks yo!

Cukup2la merepek harini!


Monday, February 17, 2020


Greetings human. I mean if you are actually reading this, you must be a human being right? Nope? I may be wrong, You could be a robot too... These days, I can never be too sure. But whatever.

Let me just do this intro thing that I have put aside for years..or if I had it done, take this as an update k. 

I am Qaty. Yes its my name is real life too. I was sent to earth to two very special people, my mama and my papa. I have two brothers. Fast forward a few years, girl meets boy, girl marries boy kind of thing... so yeah I am married to Mr Huffy since 2004 and we have 3 lovely minions Bil (14), Sara (12) and Qibby (9).

Why am I doing this? For the fun of it because I am such a wonderful person...NOT! I just have this funny feeling that I may finally find my self and my calling. lol... like being a Mommy does not fullfill me? Maybe this will be fun time? Lets just see how this goes ya.

What do I do? Like OMG this is such a loooong question to answer. Everytime I ask myself what do i do, and all I get a whole blinking checklist! Its soo long in my teeny tiny head that its just not funny. To simplify it, I work, I parent, I teach, I counsel, I sleep, I exercise, I housewife, ... yikes that didn't come up to a simplified version.

Trying again.....

I work for a company called Mega Water Sports as well as Mega Water Sports & Holidays and also Bisky Bosky Ent. For the love of God if I forget another slave driver I will update. Wait, how do i get to work in different companies? Is it even legal because on top of that I'm also a Mommy???? My life, dear readers , is just like that...

Exercising.... I run (jog, slow run, at least I move). My longest run was a trail run in 2012 for 40KM. I know....thats 2 km short of a full Marathon. But thats just me... in 2020, the furthest I have done is probably just 5km. Short and sweet, like me. I ride bicycles... opss I mean bicycle because 1 road bike was passed down to dear Sara and another road bike is hanging on the wall without a front wheel but I do have a foldie..Mr Brompton is sitting under dust in the store room. So id like to think of myself as a cyclist with partial bikes... I enjoy my bootcamps tho. The sessions I have with the Sierra Warriors are fun. Not as hard as Ukay Warriors..but its ok for me.

I'm no soccer mom. I am trimom. I do not do triathlons. But my kids does, yes, all 3 of them...poor kiddos have training 5 times a week which mommy rushes them to. More entries on kids triathlons will be coming your way.....i hope...

I'm a wife of course to an avid cyclist. He cycles too much too often and I will grumble about it here. Boi can do cycling events up to 600km in 2 days. Mommy needs sleep I watch and grumble. Please do join me in my grumblings.

I'm a teacher...wooohoooo! Qibby loves me soo much that I am his homeschool teacher. Yes, I homeschool and will write about it with a cane? Sorry Cikgu Bedah just crossed my mind.

Since I am based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia... I do hope to write about places to do your thang....

Alriteyyy.... my student awaits me.



Hello world. Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction moveme...