Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Beach

Its been a while since i last blogged. Lack of time? Not in my priority list kot.....

Neways, we went to PD last weekend. It was great. The beach is like how it used to be 20 years ago. There were sea shells everywhere. And the small beach crabs were loads of fun for the kids to chase. I love the small round shells. There were millions of them on the beach...

Kids enjoyed themselves, Ayesha was allowed to roam around on her own. No fear of her bumping into objects or falling and hurting herself. It felt good. She was indeed rather independent, doing her own thing.

Since we went at low tide, the kids enjoyed themselves at the shallow water, and lame waves. Good enough and safe enough. I loved it!

Nabil loved the sand. He dug here there, built many things, used his imagination. But one thing remains, he needs attention. Young man, just cannot layan diri like his lil sister. Someone had to be there for him all the time. Lucky thing the grandparents were around.

I'd say, the PD trip was great. Kids had fun with nature..Needless to say, both kids ended up with a tan.

Next week will be another adventure....

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Hello world. Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction moveme...