Thursday, April 29, 2010


It was 2.30pm. Weather is hot as usual.

Nabil : Mummy, its time to make my juice.

Me : erm, its not juicing time yet Nabil.

Nabil : not your juice, MY juice.

Me : ok

We head to the kitchen, i took out a green apple, a stick of celery and a carrot. Luckily, all has been detoxed this morning. Nabil waited whilst I cut up the ingrediants and assembled the juicer. He then took a chair to help the juicing process. Upon finished, Nabil went to the cupboard and took out 2 glasses. One for me and one for himself.

I poured out one full glass for him and took a bit for myself. The taste is good, sweet carrot, sour apple and salty celery. Nabil finished his glass. I'm so proud of him. A 4 yo drinking vege juice! Ok, with a bit of fruit. I think that's great.....

Monday, April 26, 2010


Wow! I’m in my 30th week already. Feels like it was only yesterday that I found out I was pregnant. Time surely flies.

My current weight is 54kg. Not bad, not bad at all. I think this time around I’m putting on more weight because I’ve moved to Melawati, thus I spend less time on the road. Baby is really active. At 27weeks, apparently he has engaged himself into position. Such a eager baby. I’m now carrying low, so low that sometimes, I find it hard to wear my pants. Like, there’s no space for pants. I really hate wearing my pants across the tummy so, I’m opting for more dresses now.

I think I’m more or less prepared for the arrival of baby Q. In terms of nursing, I’m prepared with my nursing ‘poncho’, nursing tops, breast pump, EBM storage plastics and some nips cream.

For the post partum bleeding, I’ve got my stash ready. But, with the recent sewing bug that had hit me, I’m making more pads. Its just so much fun!

Baby’s equipment, clothing and diapers are all ready. Although I think I overdid on the socks & mittens section. I didn’t get a single blanket as we already have too many baby blankets and beddings.

I’ve put aside my clothing that are suitable for confinement to replace my current wardrobe. Can’t wait to bypass that stage and move to NORMAL clothes.

What am I obsessing rite now?
Sewing, well sewing pads to be exact.
Babywearing. This must be due to the fact that I failed miserable at wearing the older kids that I’m going all out to wear my 3rd baby. Just need to find the funds to this obsession or just make my own!

All of that, and yet, why do I have this nagging feeling that I forgot something? Why oh why?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Going green

Last week was spent at home. Worked from home as i was having some pain and baby's head has already engaged at W28. That's so not funny!
Whilst at home, I started on a few things...

1. Juicing
We're jucing everyday because my mom's friend is on juice and despite having cancer, she walked from GH to Grand Seasons after a chemo session. Her secret? Juicing....
So, our daily recepie is 1/2 not ripe papaya (not really green, more like green on the outside and light orang on the inside), 2 cucumber, 2 carrots, 1/2 cekak pegaga, 1/2 cekak bayam, 3 sticks celery (dark green ones, the light coloured ones on the inside doesn't count) and other fruits/vege that we fancy. I'm so loving it! Hubby (aka Mr juicer), my mom and me...we take about 2 glasses each everyday before dinner.

2. After all the juicing, we have lots of residues. What do we do? Store them in a container to make compost. Compost is great for plants & animals (if u know how to deal with it), but ours is mainly for the plants. We're still at the beginning stage and it only started to become watery about 3 days ago. That'll go very well for the plants that we've started planting. Basically, we're sticking to just raw fruits/vege to be used as compost. We do not add in fish/chicken or cooked stuff in it.

3. I started sewing...lalalala. I find that sewing makes me calm. What have I made, mostly just menstrual pads and panty liners. Its fun and addictive. over the weekend, I even took a step further as to upgrade myself from manual handsewing to using the machine. Made like 6 pads during the weekend. Now, just need to find a place to put on the snaps. Then i'll need to get volunteers to try it out...

4. I'm back to making the maid use the water from the washing machine to water the plants. Instead of the rinsing water going out the drain, we take it and water the plants & grass.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My babies are no longer babies...

Of late, I've found that the kids are really growing up. Rite in front of me. Nabil and Ayesha are no longer babies.

This week, i found that i can actually leave Nabil to do his homework all by himself. In fact he seems more at ease and is proud to show me his work when its all done. (well it does help that his homework is wayyyy easy these days) Even his bahasa homework, i find that i only need to go thru it with him briefly and leave him be. Only thing is, i have to make sure that his PC is off. It doesn't help that the PC is on his study table, but that's just some self control that he'll have to master..:)

Lil Princess on the other hand, has finally been potty trained. She hasn't been in diaper for the past 2 week except during the weekend. Even that, the diaper was dry. Night is also good as she knows about accidents that happened to Nabil and she will not have it. awww, such a darling. So, as a reward, we bought her more panties which she was able to choose herself. No Dora this time, but Princesses.

By next month, i'll be destashing Ayesha's diaper.


Hello world. Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction moveme...