Thursday, December 17, 2009

P#3 W11

Morning sickness seems to be slowly kicking out of my system. I now try to maintain a 7 meals a day diet. Detrimental to my weight? Really hope not. My diet kindda looks like this

Breakfast : 2 pcs of whole meal bread

Morning Break : Anmum milk + what ever I have on my table

Pre lunch : Nasi with Ikan bakar & ulam

Lunch : something at home

Post lunch : Fruits & snacks

Tea : Crackers with cheese

Dinner : something at home + dessert

There you go, and still last night, after that steak dinner (which didn’t all settled in my tum tum), I wanted Roti pisang. But because I was not in the mood to go out , just in case Ayesha wanted me, I didn’t have anything. What happened instead was the steak coming out. Moral of the story…if I feel like having something, better get it else the rest of my tummy isn’t gonna be happy. Later, I settled for a midnight snack of Maggi whilst watching Twilight.

Believe or not, with this increase in the number of meals, my tummy looks smaller. My guess is that its less bloated now.

In the mean time, I’m still working on my conversations with Ayesha. I need her to stop nursing. I know I’m gonna miss her and she’s gonna miss me, but we’re gonna have to work something out. After all, Ayesha will be starting school next month. She’s excited, so I might just use that…

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Hello world. Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction moveme...