Monday, August 11, 2008

It wears a skirt

This year has been great. Last month was my birthday and i got my very own car from Daddy. Its not my ultimate dream car, but its still one of my wannahave cars. Daddy got me a Honda Stream. We had been visualising for sometime already and finally its here. Daddy even let me have my own number WR Q471. That's suppose to read as WR QATi. That's the closest I'll get to my name..

Yesterday, Q471 went to the service centre for his very first service and to put on some skirt. It now wears a modular bodykit (so, i was told). This puts an end to calling Q471 a he cause he now wears a skirt. I'll call it my Blacky. hehhehhe

I've been told that since Blacky wears a skirt, he can't run on the bump. Must take care, if not the skirt will get spoilt. grrr....That's so like a girl! When u wear skirt, you have to take care of you manners, your sitting position. Part of the reason, as a girl i hated wearing skirts. My parents worked ultra hard to get in into one. They'll say things like how pretty i look, very nice, bla bla bla. Then I'll wear it but am uncomfy cause its a skirt. Later, i was introduced to the shorts that looks like skirts... LOVE IT!

Wait a minute...I was talking about Blacky... Neways, Blacky has been enrolled to a grooming to make sure she has her wax and all. Daddy spent a whopping RM650 on Blacky's grooming. Hey daddy, how bout spending that much on me? Next month? Thanks daddy!!!!

Today, I am focusing on happy thoughts. I'm getting ready for Ayesha's 1st birthday this saturday. Read, i say Birthday..not birthday party....:P

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Hello world. Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction moveme...