Monday, August 25, 2008

Thank you

Every household would have at least one breadwinner. The idea is to generate incomhne. How important in income? Necessity!
I read that money is just an illussion. Its there but its not necessary. Because of the principles behind it. Money is used as a medium. To purchase something, you need. To obtain a certain lifestyle, you need to spend money. You see, the key word here is lifestyle.
What kind of lifestlye you want determines how much money you need. (statement A)
But for most of us, we live in the world whereby how much money we have, will determine what kind of life we live. (statement B)
We have to shift our life from B to A. Because, it is very important to know what you want. When you know what you want, be thankful for what you want, the How will come naturally.
Its like you have a dream, and you imagine of having it already, so you thank Allah (or whoever you pray to). Allah will see that you can appreciate it and your Doa will be fullfilled.
This kind of dreaming isn't just daydreaming or wishful thinking, it come with real feelings and mindset.
Gratitude is very2 important. I mean if you live in a small house and you want a bigger house. You have to be thankful for what you have first, then be thankful for what you will have. Because imagine God is sitting in your mind. He hears you complaining...'this house is so small, i can't wait to get our of this hell hole'...God is thinking, aren't you lucky you have a place. If you can;t be thankful for what i already gave you, I'm pretty sure you'll never be thankful for a bigger house.
True? I would think so...
Well, all this information didn't come from me, these statements were from books and friends whom i am thankful for.
Today, I made RM1***. I'm happy and thankful for the extra cash. I do know that all the extra cash that keep flowing in will change my lifestyle.
Dear Allah, thank you for the life i have, for the family i have, and for the money that changes our life. Thank you.

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Hello world. Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction moveme...