I will never forget the fact that i used to be a skater girl. I cherish that part of my childhood soo much!
I started rollerskating at the age of 7 i think. Dad bought me one of those metal adjustable roller skates, the ones that requires u to use shoes on it. It was so heavy that it took me a long time to be able to skate on my own.
Then I was regularly skating around the neighbourhood. Had my neighbour Farah to skate with.
I later feel in love with a pair of skates at Toys R Us. It was one of those roller skates that comes with boots. Looks kindda like ice skates to me at that time. Love love loved it.
Until I started browsing some magazines...saw some sexy ladies skating the inline skates by the beach. Told my dad..I WANT THAT.
A year later, my Ultra Wheels arrived. A year later, we started importing inline skates by the container loads to Malaysia. I then got to change my skates every month or so...Always got to try new skates! That was the best job ever!
Today, many years later...my daughter saw a pair of roller skates at Toys R Us. It was a barbie design. How toyish! But i still had to get it for her. She's such a natural that Nabil envies her skates.
I will not buy a toy skates for him. I think Nabil should be able to fit into the smallest children in line skates that available in the market. Poor boy had to sneak out to use the sister's skates. Driving me to tears...(ok, i'm overly emotional).
Nabil will be 5 and Ayesha will be 3in August. Never too young to start. ermm....didn't i vow to start my children skating before they start to walk? hahahahahhahah, I'm so late...they are walking, runnning & cycling.....
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Pop already!
Entering W36
Weight 55.3kg
I feel oh so bloated. Hands & legs are just so puffy. Call me puff mummy if u like! Arghhh….
Today I’m just lethargic. Too tired to do anything. Just wanna lie down and chill. Even sitting down makes me feel tired. But laying down is so uncomfortable for me. I hardly have appetite. But I’m craving for certain food. Rite now, all I want is that pulut with santan and mango at Kampung Bahru. Was suppose to go there yesterday, but both hubby & I feel asleep whist putting the kids to bed.
This morning, had my normal juice, then walk in the garden, followed by breakfast. Couldn’t seem to muster enough energy after that. Just went back to bed. Woke up, and went to the bank…still no energy. Can hardly eat lunch, thus settled for dates blended with milk. Still feeling tired…can’t figure out whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Weight 55.3kg
I feel oh so bloated. Hands & legs are just so puffy. Call me puff mummy if u like! Arghhh….
Today I’m just lethargic. Too tired to do anything. Just wanna lie down and chill. Even sitting down makes me feel tired. But laying down is so uncomfortable for me. I hardly have appetite. But I’m craving for certain food. Rite now, all I want is that pulut with santan and mango at Kampung Bahru. Was suppose to go there yesterday, but both hubby & I feel asleep whist putting the kids to bed.
This morning, had my normal juice, then walk in the garden, followed by breakfast. Couldn’t seem to muster enough energy after that. Just went back to bed. Woke up, and went to the bank…still no energy. Can hardly eat lunch, thus settled for dates blended with milk. Still feeling tired…can’t figure out whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
W33 ending...Baby is approximately 2.3kg, mommy lost 0.1kg over the past 3 weeks. But everyone seems healthy! Should i start washing his clothes? Another round of diaper wash to fluff it up? Make some diapers?
I'm pretty much occupied with Bisky Bosky these days. Gotten myself the snap press. Although, I still have to get either DH or helper to snap in up for me...too much strain on the abs..
Did some maths, need to sell a lot more Bisky Bosky to get that trampoline! So help me God.
Ideally, the trampoline will arrive just on time for the kids's birthday. Ramadhan oh Ramadhan! I've got about 2 1/2 month to prepare.
After the trampoline, I have a long wish list to entertain.
1. New sunnies for mummy & daddy
2. Mei tai or ssc ( either DIY or BUY)
3. New wardrobe - office & casual
4. Running shoes.
5. Beach wear
6. In line skates
7. etc
Well, I do hope that all our ventures turns out well.
Thank you for all the support on Bisky Bosky.
Thank you for all the support on Mega Water Sports.
Thank you for all the support on Tecmore.
Thank you for buying my condo at RM480,000.
Thank you for selling my dream home for less than RM500,000.
Thank you! Thank YOU! THANK YOU!!
I'm pretty much occupied with Bisky Bosky these days. Gotten myself the snap press. Although, I still have to get either DH or helper to snap in up for me...too much strain on the abs..
Did some maths, need to sell a lot more Bisky Bosky to get that trampoline! So help me God.
Ideally, the trampoline will arrive just on time for the kids's birthday. Ramadhan oh Ramadhan! I've got about 2 1/2 month to prepare.
After the trampoline, I have a long wish list to entertain.
1. New sunnies for mummy & daddy
2. Mei tai or ssc ( either DIY or BUY)
3. New wardrobe - office & casual
4. Running shoes.
5. Beach wear
6. In line skates
7. etc
Well, I do hope that all our ventures turns out well.
Thank you for all the support on Bisky Bosky.
Thank you for all the support on Mega Water Sports.
Thank you for all the support on Tecmore.
Thank you for buying my condo at RM480,000.
Thank you for selling my dream home for less than RM500,000.
Thank you! Thank YOU! THANK YOU!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
In the middle of the night...
We just had a blackout which lasted for 5 mins. But that's enough time to wake me up. So here goes..
W31 or is it 32?
Its not a long way anymore. I'm getting nervous & anxious. Wondering how will I cope with 3 kids. Nabil & Ayesha still needs me to sleep with them. They are constantly demanding to be hugged during the middle of the night. I love to cuddle with them, but comes the new baby, I'll need to nurse and all...HOW?
Work has been different. I'm coping with the less than enough computers but I don't like it. It required a lot more planning, so, i'm getting used to it. Can't wait for the new PCs to arrive!
I'm making Bisky Bosky to fullfill the orders that I've received. Loving it! Can't wait to develop new designs. My biggest obstacle is still the fabric. I'm still doing my studies on fabrics.
Baby preparation is almost done. I've got most of the essentials, only need to wash them. But i still wish i had a wrap... just a simple gauze wrap???
W31 or is it 32?
Its not a long way anymore. I'm getting nervous & anxious. Wondering how will I cope with 3 kids. Nabil & Ayesha still needs me to sleep with them. They are constantly demanding to be hugged during the middle of the night. I love to cuddle with them, but comes the new baby, I'll need to nurse and all...HOW?
Work has been different. I'm coping with the less than enough computers but I don't like it. It required a lot more planning, so, i'm getting used to it. Can't wait for the new PCs to arrive!
I'm making Bisky Bosky to fullfill the orders that I've received. Loving it! Can't wait to develop new designs. My biggest obstacle is still the fabric. I'm still doing my studies on fabrics.
Baby preparation is almost done. I've got most of the essentials, only need to wash them. But i still wish i had a wrap... just a simple gauze wrap???
Thursday, April 29, 2010
It was 2.30pm. Weather is hot as usual.
Nabil : Mummy, its time to make my juice.
Me : erm, its not juicing time yet Nabil.
Nabil : not your juice, MY juice.
Me : ok
We head to the kitchen, i took out a green apple, a stick of celery and a carrot. Luckily, all has been detoxed this morning. Nabil waited whilst I cut up the ingrediants and assembled the juicer. He then took a chair to help the juicing process. Upon finished, Nabil went to the cupboard and took out 2 glasses. One for me and one for himself.
I poured out one full glass for him and took a bit for myself. The taste is good, sweet carrot, sour apple and salty celery. Nabil finished his glass. I'm so proud of him. A 4 yo drinking vege juice! Ok, with a bit of fruit. I think that's great.....
Nabil : Mummy, its time to make my juice.
Me : erm, its not juicing time yet Nabil.
Nabil : not your juice, MY juice.
Me : ok
We head to the kitchen, i took out a green apple, a stick of celery and a carrot. Luckily, all has been detoxed this morning. Nabil waited whilst I cut up the ingrediants and assembled the juicer. He then took a chair to help the juicing process. Upon finished, Nabil went to the cupboard and took out 2 glasses. One for me and one for himself.
I poured out one full glass for him and took a bit for myself. The taste is good, sweet carrot, sour apple and salty celery. Nabil finished his glass. I'm so proud of him. A 4 yo drinking vege juice! Ok, with a bit of fruit. I think that's great.....
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wow! I’m in my 30th week already. Feels like it was only yesterday that I found out I was pregnant. Time surely flies.
My current weight is 54kg. Not bad, not bad at all. I think this time around I’m putting on more weight because I’ve moved to Melawati, thus I spend less time on the road. Baby is really active. At 27weeks, apparently he has engaged himself into position. Such a eager baby. I’m now carrying low, so low that sometimes, I find it hard to wear my pants. Like, there’s no space for pants. I really hate wearing my pants across the tummy so, I’m opting for more dresses now.
I think I’m more or less prepared for the arrival of baby Q. In terms of nursing, I’m prepared with my nursing ‘poncho’, nursing tops, breast pump, EBM storage plastics and some nips cream.
For the post partum bleeding, I’ve got my stash ready. But, with the recent sewing bug that had hit me, I’m making more pads. Its just so much fun!
Baby’s equipment, clothing and diapers are all ready. Although I think I overdid on the socks & mittens section. I didn’t get a single blanket as we already have too many baby blankets and beddings.
I’ve put aside my clothing that are suitable for confinement to replace my current wardrobe. Can’t wait to bypass that stage and move to NORMAL clothes.
What am I obsessing rite now?
Sewing, well sewing pads to be exact.
Babywearing. This must be due to the fact that I failed miserable at wearing the older kids that I’m going all out to wear my 3rd baby. Just need to find the funds to this obsession or just make my own!
All of that, and yet, why do I have this nagging feeling that I forgot something? Why oh why?
My current weight is 54kg. Not bad, not bad at all. I think this time around I’m putting on more weight because I’ve moved to Melawati, thus I spend less time on the road. Baby is really active. At 27weeks, apparently he has engaged himself into position. Such a eager baby. I’m now carrying low, so low that sometimes, I find it hard to wear my pants. Like, there’s no space for pants. I really hate wearing my pants across the tummy so, I’m opting for more dresses now.
I think I’m more or less prepared for the arrival of baby Q. In terms of nursing, I’m prepared with my nursing ‘poncho’, nursing tops, breast pump, EBM storage plastics and some nips cream.
For the post partum bleeding, I’ve got my stash ready. But, with the recent sewing bug that had hit me, I’m making more pads. Its just so much fun!
Baby’s equipment, clothing and diapers are all ready. Although I think I overdid on the socks & mittens section. I didn’t get a single blanket as we already have too many baby blankets and beddings.
I’ve put aside my clothing that are suitable for confinement to replace my current wardrobe. Can’t wait to bypass that stage and move to NORMAL clothes.
What am I obsessing rite now?
Sewing, well sewing pads to be exact.
Babywearing. This must be due to the fact that I failed miserable at wearing the older kids that I’m going all out to wear my 3rd baby. Just need to find the funds to this obsession or just make my own!
All of that, and yet, why do I have this nagging feeling that I forgot something? Why oh why?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Going green
Last week was spent at home. Worked from home as i was having some pain and baby's head has already engaged at W28. That's so not funny!
Whilst at home, I started on a few things...
1. Juicing
We're jucing everyday because my mom's friend is on juice and despite having cancer, she walked from GH to Grand Seasons after a chemo session. Her secret? Juicing....
So, our daily recepie is 1/2 not ripe papaya (not really green, more like green on the outside and light orang on the inside), 2 cucumber, 2 carrots, 1/2 cekak pegaga, 1/2 cekak bayam, 3 sticks celery (dark green ones, the light coloured ones on the inside doesn't count) and other fruits/vege that we fancy. I'm so loving it! Hubby (aka Mr juicer), my mom and me...we take about 2 glasses each everyday before dinner.
2. After all the juicing, we have lots of residues. What do we do? Store them in a container to make compost. Compost is great for plants & animals (if u know how to deal with it), but ours is mainly for the plants. We're still at the beginning stage and it only started to become watery about 3 days ago. That'll go very well for the plants that we've started planting. Basically, we're sticking to just raw fruits/vege to be used as compost. We do not add in fish/chicken or cooked stuff in it.
3. I started sewing...lalalala. I find that sewing makes me calm. What have I made, mostly just menstrual pads and panty liners. Its fun and addictive. over the weekend, I even took a step further as to upgrade myself from manual handsewing to using the machine. Made like 6 pads during the weekend. Now, just need to find a place to put on the snaps. Then i'll need to get volunteers to try it out...
4. I'm back to making the maid use the water from the washing machine to water the plants. Instead of the rinsing water going out the drain, we take it and water the plants & grass.
Whilst at home, I started on a few things...
1. Juicing
We're jucing everyday because my mom's friend is on juice and despite having cancer, she walked from GH to Grand Seasons after a chemo session. Her secret? Juicing....
So, our daily recepie is 1/2 not ripe papaya (not really green, more like green on the outside and light orang on the inside), 2 cucumber, 2 carrots, 1/2 cekak pegaga, 1/2 cekak bayam, 3 sticks celery (dark green ones, the light coloured ones on the inside doesn't count) and other fruits/vege that we fancy. I'm so loving it! Hubby (aka Mr juicer), my mom and me...we take about 2 glasses each everyday before dinner.
2. After all the juicing, we have lots of residues. What do we do? Store them in a container to make compost. Compost is great for plants & animals (if u know how to deal with it), but ours is mainly for the plants. We're still at the beginning stage and it only started to become watery about 3 days ago. That'll go very well for the plants that we've started planting. Basically, we're sticking to just raw fruits/vege to be used as compost. We do not add in fish/chicken or cooked stuff in it.
3. I started sewing...lalalala. I find that sewing makes me calm. What have I made, mostly just menstrual pads and panty liners. Its fun and addictive. over the weekend, I even took a step further as to upgrade myself from manual handsewing to using the machine. Made like 6 pads during the weekend. Now, just need to find a place to put on the snaps. Then i'll need to get volunteers to try it out...
4. I'm back to making the maid use the water from the washing machine to water the plants. Instead of the rinsing water going out the drain, we take it and water the plants & grass.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
My babies are no longer babies...
Of late, I've found that the kids are really growing up. Rite in front of me. Nabil and Ayesha are no longer babies.
This week, i found that i can actually leave Nabil to do his homework all by himself. In fact he seems more at ease and is proud to show me his work when its all done. (well it does help that his homework is wayyyy easy these days) Even his bahasa homework, i find that i only need to go thru it with him briefly and leave him be. Only thing is, i have to make sure that his PC is off. It doesn't help that the PC is on his study table, but that's just some self control that he'll have to master..:)
Lil Princess on the other hand, has finally been potty trained. She hasn't been in diaper for the past 2 week except during the weekend. Even that, the diaper was dry. Night is also good as she knows about accidents that happened to Nabil and she will not have it. awww, such a darling. So, as a reward, we bought her more panties which she was able to choose herself. No Dora this time, but Princesses.
By next month, i'll be destashing Ayesha's diaper.
This week, i found that i can actually leave Nabil to do his homework all by himself. In fact he seems more at ease and is proud to show me his work when its all done. (well it does help that his homework is wayyyy easy these days) Even his bahasa homework, i find that i only need to go thru it with him briefly and leave him be. Only thing is, i have to make sure that his PC is off. It doesn't help that the PC is on his study table, but that's just some self control that he'll have to master..:)
Lil Princess on the other hand, has finally been potty trained. She hasn't been in diaper for the past 2 week except during the weekend. Even that, the diaper was dry. Night is also good as she knows about accidents that happened to Nabil and she will not have it. awww, such a darling. So, as a reward, we bought her more panties which she was able to choose herself. No Dora this time, but Princesses.
By next month, i'll be destashing Ayesha's diaper.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
aites....dunno where the hormones came from but I want a trampoline.
Not for now, but for after I've delivered. I figured, a good 10 mins will get the heart pumping. So, I'm sure i can do that every morning or at night. Plus kids would love it! They have afterall broken one bed by jumping on it. So, i'll be providing the rite avenue for them...:)
I want a sewing machine. A simple one that doesn't hate me. One that'll do as i command it...lol. Why? Because i feel like making my own cloth pads and the idea of making pre-fitted diapers is turning me on.
Not for now, but for after I've delivered. I figured, a good 10 mins will get the heart pumping. So, I'm sure i can do that every morning or at night. Plus kids would love it! They have afterall broken one bed by jumping on it. So, i'll be providing the rite avenue for them...:)
I want a sewing machine. A simple one that doesn't hate me. One that'll do as i command it...lol. Why? Because i feel like making my own cloth pads and the idea of making pre-fitted diapers is turning me on.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Princess is on her own..
I can finally declare that Ayesha has weaned herself of me. She hasn't asked to be nursed for more than a week. Everyone is happy!!
Ayehsa started nursing on 16th August 2007 and finished nursing in March 2010. We have both done well, with no help of baby formula. Alhamdulillah! She is now drinking fresh milk and likes it cold. Moving around is slightly more difficult as we have to bring along her milk. Thank god for Dutch lady fresh milk that does not come refrigerated. The only setback is, she takes her milk in a bottle. :(
I can now stop worrying about having to tandem nurse. Phew! I do hope i'll manage to collect as much if not more EBM as compared to when i was nursing Ayesha.
Ayesha is also on her potty training mission. Her diaper stay dry throught the night. Hooray! Soon I'll have to dispose of the CDs and concentrate on boys diaper instead. :)
Ayehsa started nursing on 16th August 2007 and finished nursing in March 2010. We have both done well, with no help of baby formula. Alhamdulillah! She is now drinking fresh milk and likes it cold. Moving around is slightly more difficult as we have to bring along her milk. Thank god for Dutch lady fresh milk that does not come refrigerated. The only setback is, she takes her milk in a bottle. :(
I can now stop worrying about having to tandem nurse. Phew! I do hope i'll manage to collect as much if not more EBM as compared to when i was nursing Ayesha.
Ayesha is also on her potty training mission. Her diaper stay dry throught the night. Hooray! Soon I'll have to dispose of the CDs and concentrate on boys diaper instead. :)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Antsy Pants Review

Now, here’s the latest CD I’ve tried on Ayesha….
My take:
Looks very nice, trim & sporty. The microfiber insert is good in the sense that it’s a big one layer that we fold. So, that reduces drying time.
The pants itsef. The colour is nice and bright. Cutting looks similar to mamypoko economy pants. I’d say, it trim enough to wear pants on it. Now, the pocket deserves a story all by itself. For days, I was wondering what is this hidden pocket that some mommies were referring to. Alas, on the last day that the CD stayed with me, I found the hidden pocket. So yeah, you can add extra booster in there. The insert, theoretically, its easy to put in. Just lay it. But its bulky and somehow, it refuses to sit nicely under its cover. I had to squash it in..poke here there..:) Upon observation of the pants, I found that the side waist elastic (the yellow part) does not look very convincing.
Wearing it was easy peasy. DD was standing watching tv and all she needed to do was lift up one leg at a time and pull up…J
Performance wise, I think DD urinated twice in it. It so happens that she wore it on the day that she too occupied to entertain the potty. So, upon 2nd urination, it leaked. Whole thing was soaking wet. And it dropped half way her bottom. ‘shy only’. That confirms my elasticity observation. Furthermore, I saw that DD’s tummy has a long red swell which indicates her skin’s intolerance towards the fabric.
So, off u go AP. May you serve another baby.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Potty Nightmare
Ayesha has started some potty training. During the day, she sometimes wear diapers, training pants or panties. Whichever she fancies.
She’s been obsessing over pink stuff since beginning of March. Imagine a 2 yo, who refuse to wear her diaper or clothing just because its not pink. Well, 2 ½ yo to be exact. A lil bit too early don’t you think? Luckily she has cloth diapers which comes in many colours and patterns. I’ve got 1 pink babycheeks, 1 Happy Heiny’s pink swirls, 1 Happy Heiny’s pink fairies, 1 pink Coolababy and 1 fushia Magic AIO Minky. The rest of her CD stash, is being kept for lil brother. Imagine if I had to depend on sposies….they come in ugly prints and mostly white base..I’d so be in trouble!
Anyway, back to her potty training. Although, she still have accidents, she can tell whenever she has urinate, and an immediate change is required whenever in diapers. This applies even during night times. She’ll cry, wanting a diaper change. And in the morning, she’ll use the toilet to urinate. Hooray for Ayesha!
Last night was different story. She was cranky, I’m thinking its those chocs that she ate during the day. Too much chocs for her tiny tummy! Young lady wanted to take off her diaper and sit at the toilet due to her tummy ache. She was sleepy, so I had to sit on the step stool & hug her. Argh! If only she’d settle for the diaper, a diaper change would be so much easier. We took 4 trips to the toilet and each session lasted for almost 30 mins. Alas! I’m so sleeeeeeppppyyyyy….
She’s been obsessing over pink stuff since beginning of March. Imagine a 2 yo, who refuse to wear her diaper or clothing just because its not pink. Well, 2 ½ yo to be exact. A lil bit too early don’t you think? Luckily she has cloth diapers which comes in many colours and patterns. I’ve got 1 pink babycheeks, 1 Happy Heiny’s pink swirls, 1 Happy Heiny’s pink fairies, 1 pink Coolababy and 1 fushia Magic AIO Minky. The rest of her CD stash, is being kept for lil brother. Imagine if I had to depend on sposies….they come in ugly prints and mostly white base..I’d so be in trouble!
Anyway, back to her potty training. Although, she still have accidents, she can tell whenever she has urinate, and an immediate change is required whenever in diapers. This applies even during night times. She’ll cry, wanting a diaper change. And in the morning, she’ll use the toilet to urinate. Hooray for Ayesha!
Last night was different story. She was cranky, I’m thinking its those chocs that she ate during the day. Too much chocs for her tiny tummy! Young lady wanted to take off her diaper and sit at the toilet due to her tummy ache. She was sleepy, so I had to sit on the step stool & hug her. Argh! If only she’d settle for the diaper, a diaper change would be so much easier. We took 4 trips to the toilet and each session lasted for almost 30 mins. Alas! I’m so sleeeeeeppppyyyyy….
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Baby #3...preparation
Just a few more months of pregnancy and I’ll have another cutie to play with..:)
This time around, I’m a bit laid back in my preparation. Amongst things that I’ve purchased are:
Some clothing
Ring sling
Cloth Diaper
Hah! What a ‘long’ list!
Although, the bulk of my purchases was on the CDs, I’m still obsessing on the matter. God help me!
So far I have :
Brand new..
11 Freshbots fitted size s
2 wonderfully cotton dyed prefolds (I think its infant size)
1 thirties duo cover
Will be used from Ayesha’s stash
2 Grobaby
1 babycheeks
1 bamboo blueberry
2 Tiny Tapir pockets
2 FB pocket ( don’t really fancy this anymore )
1 Drybees pocket (its flower prints…erm, not so boyish la)
5 regular prefolds (from Umar’s stash)
1 dozen of gauze flat (lampin)
That makes it a total of
3 cover
7 prefolds
11 fitted
7 pockets
Is that enough? Maybe 2 more covers will do it.
And a dozen of regular prefitted would be great.
I think for this baby, I’m gonna go big on prefolds. Found a tutorial on converting prefolds into prefitted and I want to do it. Then have it dyes or something like that..
I’m really hoping that baby will fit into the FB fitted. Or else, I’m down with 7 prefolds + lampin. Which is really not much. I’d hate to depend on sposies…Maybe I’ll get more prefolds….6 pieces for RM45? That’s only RM7.50 each. These prefolds would later make great inserts.
This time around, I’m a bit laid back in my preparation. Amongst things that I’ve purchased are:
Some clothing
Ring sling
Cloth Diaper
Hah! What a ‘long’ list!
Although, the bulk of my purchases was on the CDs, I’m still obsessing on the matter. God help me!
So far I have :
Brand new..
11 Freshbots fitted size s
2 wonderfully cotton dyed prefolds (I think its infant size)
1 thirties duo cover
Will be used from Ayesha’s stash
2 Grobaby
1 babycheeks
1 bamboo blueberry
2 Tiny Tapir pockets
2 FB pocket ( don’t really fancy this anymore )
1 Drybees pocket (its flower prints…erm, not so boyish la)
5 regular prefolds (from Umar’s stash)
1 dozen of gauze flat (lampin)
That makes it a total of
3 cover
7 prefolds
11 fitted
7 pockets
Is that enough? Maybe 2 more covers will do it.
And a dozen of regular prefitted would be great.
I think for this baby, I’m gonna go big on prefolds. Found a tutorial on converting prefolds into prefitted and I want to do it. Then have it dyes or something like that..
I’m really hoping that baby will fit into the FB fitted. Or else, I’m down with 7 prefolds + lampin. Which is really not much. I’d hate to depend on sposies…Maybe I’ll get more prefolds….6 pieces for RM45? That’s only RM7.50 each. These prefolds would later make great inserts.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I used to be a skater girl
A few years ago, I was a skater girl who love to in-line skate. I wanted to do it all, speed & street & anything I can think of. I was also obsessed with martial arts, not so much for defence but for sports. I started out with Silat, Tea kwan do, and Kickboxing.
My achievements varies. Silat Olahraga, I entered the inter-varsity match for matriculation student and came out champion for my weight category. Under Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia, I hold a green belt (I chickened out of my red belt test..silly me!). I entered many many TKD competition and got medal for most. I now hold a black belt 1st dan which I got within 2 years after getting several double promotions. I took TKD to varsity and played the local inter-campus at UKM. Can’t even recall what medal I got. But it was a fun game cause I also entered Silat Olahraga and Softball then. Crazy me! Kickboxing was great. Extremely fun & challenging. This was more physical & really tested my endurance. Throwing out during the first few session is just a norm for me (u know when sometime I take a break). Oh yes, after that was futsal. I was a crazy defence player or goalkeeper. Now, that would make me sound like a tough sporty chick. Haha!
Then….it happened. Me & finally a real Him. and he was the ONE. We tied the knot. Soon after, the baby came and the next baby and soon another will drop by.
Today, I’m a mother of 2 and baking another. That’ll be 2 boy and 1 princess by July 2010. My life is no longer about my activities but instead I’ve turned to concentrating on my kids. Its hard to find time to exercise let alone enough time to pick up a sport. My current interest is cloth diapers, babywearing and children development.
Looking back…..oh gawd! Such a different life. Am I sure I’m the same person? hahah
My achievements varies. Silat Olahraga, I entered the inter-varsity match for matriculation student and came out champion for my weight category. Under Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia, I hold a green belt (I chickened out of my red belt test..silly me!). I entered many many TKD competition and got medal for most. I now hold a black belt 1st dan which I got within 2 years after getting several double promotions. I took TKD to varsity and played the local inter-campus at UKM. Can’t even recall what medal I got. But it was a fun game cause I also entered Silat Olahraga and Softball then. Crazy me! Kickboxing was great. Extremely fun & challenging. This was more physical & really tested my endurance. Throwing out during the first few session is just a norm for me (u know when sometime I take a break). Oh yes, after that was futsal. I was a crazy defence player or goalkeeper. Now, that would make me sound like a tough sporty chick. Haha!
Then….it happened. Me & finally a real Him. and he was the ONE. We tied the knot. Soon after, the baby came and the next baby and soon another will drop by.
Today, I’m a mother of 2 and baking another. That’ll be 2 boy and 1 princess by July 2010. My life is no longer about my activities but instead I’ve turned to concentrating on my kids. Its hard to find time to exercise let alone enough time to pick up a sport. My current interest is cloth diapers, babywearing and children development.
Looking back…..oh gawd! Such a different life. Am I sure I’m the same person? hahah
Sunday, January 3, 2010
A friend once said this to me and it somehow got stuck in my mind....
To the Christians...All Christians will go to heaven and those who do not follow Christianity will be damned to Hell.
To the Buddhist...All Buddhist are going to heaven and everyone else will be going to Hell.
To the Hindu...All Hindis will go to Heaven and those who do to follow hiduism will go straight to Hell....
and the list goes on....
Funny that all religion has the same view...there is a Heaven and there is a Hell. But if we look at a combined picture...Looks like everyone is going to Heaven...or is Everyone going to Hell...
I think I'll choose Heaven....
To the Christians...All Christians will go to heaven and those who do not follow Christianity will be damned to Hell.
To the Buddhist...All Buddhist are going to heaven and everyone else will be going to Hell.
To the Hindu...All Hindis will go to Heaven and those who do to follow hiduism will go straight to Hell....
and the list goes on....
Funny that all religion has the same view...there is a Heaven and there is a Hell. But if we look at a combined picture...Looks like everyone is going to Heaven...or is Everyone going to Hell...
I think I'll choose Heaven....
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