Monday, December 15, 2008

Virgin tag

I'm not much of a blogger...this is the first time i'm doing this...

What were you doing 5 years ago?
5 years ago was 2003. I just graduated and worked at Amal where i met my Hubby...:)

What were the 5 things on your list to do today?
Bank in that cheque
Shop for new diaper
Grocery shopping at the pasar malam
Clear my table
Read a book with the kids.

What are the snacks that you enjoy?
Snickers bar
A bowl of mulberry with susu pekat

What are 5 things you do if you are a billionaire
Invest money so that it doesn't run out
Start the business that i wanted
Buy shares in my current company
Get that house that i want and renovate it
Work on my own time so that i can spend more time with the kids

What 5 jobs you've had
Takaful broker
Corporate planning exec at MILS
Bumiputera exec at MIDF
Accounts exec at Commerce Life
Part time promoter with Lobos Event

Who are the 5 person you want to tag
how do i do this...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The green earth

Is the earth really green? hahahha... So, why say green earth..It used to be green? did it?
How about blue earth? grey earth?
We all know that the earth nowadays is so polluted. But what do we do? Do we use a green car like Cameron Diaz? (excuse me, i just saw her on tv last night) Or do we use loads of plastic bags and more and more non biodegradeble things? I'm so very guilty when it comes to this.
I used plastic bags for so many things, from packing to throwing rubbish.
I tried to do my bit by planting some plants on my nonexistence garden. Ok, its a patch of land that does not belong to me, but its there and i'm trying to make it nice and green. What do i do? I plant some mulberry. Did it grow? For a while it did..then its just alive. Perhaps its due to the lack of sunlight. (its in between buildings). Other plants that is not growing are my pokok limau purut, pokok kari and a type of ulam. Wait, the ulam does grow but slowly. I'm still analysing my pandan. Sad, my green thumb isn't very green...
On a different note, I'm proud to say that I'm not a big contributor to the growing hill of used diaper or sanitary pad. yeay! Although I've 2 kids on diaper, they are mostly on cloth diaper which needs to be washed, not thrown away and me..I'm in love with cloth pads.
Yucks! cloth the ones our grandmother used to use? Nope! These are much more modern pads. One thing for sure u can't get it in any retail store here in Malaysia. Fact is, muslims or malays are in the habit of rinsing their sanitary pads before throwing it away. So, y use diaposables when cloth are much more comfy. I love getting my period nowadays because i look forward to used my cloth pads. Why is it comfy? because it doesn't have all the chemicals that they put in your white cloth like pad. Just because its white..u think its clean. Is it really clean? Nope. Its just the psycological they call it.
DOn't get me wrong... I don't go all green...eating only organics..bla bla bla...
But the things i do is simply because i think its reasonable. PLus, the pads and diaper comes in cute designs and colours.... :)
But I still think that parents should reduce their usage of disposable diapers because it takes too long for it to decompose. Please....?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friends.Family.Foe part 1

To date, i can fairly say that I'm no great friend to anyone. My best friend is my Hubby and 2 kids, and also my mom. In a nut shell, that does seem kinda sad. But why?
What is a friend? to me, a friend is someone that i can communicate with. I have many aquintance which i categorise as friends, mostly collegues. be it in school, college or at work.
When i was lil girl, in Kindy..I had 1 best friend. her name was havyana (i don't know how to spell it). She was my neighbour and also my schoolmate. We did so many things together from having our meals to taking our bath and also playing together. Unfortunately, at 10 yo, she passed away.
In primary school, i had Zeti Faralin, Yuzlirizan & Wan Hasniza. We did most school activites together. Nothing our of the school though, cause we live far from each other (oklah, for for kids our age). Furthermore, on weekends I was usually at clubs like Lake Club or KDE which non of them were members.
In lower secondary, Yuzlirizan and me were thrown into the rough world of SMLK. Then we moved to SMTM in the middle of F1. There I was still with Yuzlirizan but we had Suraini and Syima with us.
After form 3, i stayed at SMTM. Yuz & Suraini went to bording school. Syima left for Penang. At F4, i befriended Halina, Hazlina & Naddiana. Our friendship wasn't so strong thoughout. I was much closer to my skating counterparts like Selly, Mel and Nur whom were all in CBN.
After F5, I went to MYPM for my matriculation. There i met Aifa and Tasha Idha. Then entering UKM, Tasya stayed at the main campus but I was in KL with Aifa. We were best of buds alongside Norul & Gabby. None were my roommate. Yuzlirizan was here with me but she had her medic buddies. Alas i Quit UKM at Y1 and soon after Yuzlirizan passed away.
Now, as i joined HELP, i made new friends. I had Julie, Chut and Norman at Diploma. Then I pursued my degree with Laifa and Loshini. Oh yes...I also had Jamil beside me, Not exactly classmate, but friends nonetheless..
yada yada yada....that's was friends for me.
I envy those with a tight circle of friends. Those whom although married with kids still hang out together, although the venue and activities would probably change. Of all the friends i had with me, those that i still keep in touch are people like Selly, Halina and Nadd. The rest? I'm sure if we met i'd say Hi, but that's just it.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Too thin

I was looking at some of my picture that it hit me. I look so thin that its not funny. Seriously, kalau orang kata mcm drug addict pun boleh percaya. Tapi bila tengok perut...haha, lain cerita.
Ok, bottom line is, I'm totally out of shape. The face is cekung, the boobs fluctuates (depending on the milky station), the tummy..too obvious....argh!
So yeash, my modus operandi for the moment is to do sit ups before bed. I can do it in front of the TV while the kids are either sleeping or awake. So, i hope this works.
Eat more? shesh....i eat more than anyone i know who is not breastfeeding.
I just need to exercise... Perhaps a new pair of sneakers to motivate me to go jogging around the block???? Or a new exercise CD for me to work it at home??

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Beach

Its been a while since i last blogged. Lack of time? Not in my priority list kot.....

Neways, we went to PD last weekend. It was great. The beach is like how it used to be 20 years ago. There were sea shells everywhere. And the small beach crabs were loads of fun for the kids to chase. I love the small round shells. There were millions of them on the beach...

Kids enjoyed themselves, Ayesha was allowed to roam around on her own. No fear of her bumping into objects or falling and hurting herself. It felt good. She was indeed rather independent, doing her own thing.

Since we went at low tide, the kids enjoyed themselves at the shallow water, and lame waves. Good enough and safe enough. I loved it!

Nabil loved the sand. He dug here there, built many things, used his imagination. But one thing remains, he needs attention. Young man, just cannot layan diri like his lil sister. Someone had to be there for him all the time. Lucky thing the grandparents were around.

I'd say, the PD trip was great. Kids had fun with nature..Needless to say, both kids ended up with a tan.

Next week will be another adventure....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nabil goes to school

Yesterday was Nabil's second session in Tumble Tots (Playphonics). This time i told myself that i will not go to school with him. So, as we approach Tumble Tots, I slowly crept away into Living Quarters. I watched him walk to school with Daddy. I waited for Daddy to slowly come out of Tumble Tots. So out came Daddy, I was aw BB Max. I heard him crying from there. I cried too...
Daddy had promised him Optimus Prime of Nabil stays in school without Mummy & Daddy. We couldn't find any OP at The Curve or Ikano. So, I got him some marshmallows.
10 mins to 2pm, I went to TT. Nabil saw me and I was dragged in. But i let him be on his own. I just sat there and read some magazines.
After his class, I congratulate him for attending school all by himself. And off we went to find OP at One Utama. Because Daddy could redeem points at Parkson, so we looked for OP there. An OP costs RM2**. Crazy or what??? I didn't agree with it so instead we got Nabil a computer (my leap pad). And for Ayesha, I got her an SUV with a mummy & baby.
Nabil slept on the way home and Ayesha loved her purple SUV.
A grumpy Nabil woke up asking for his OP. Oh Oh! We're in trouble. I reminded him that we didn't find the right OP but instead he got a computer.
I then realised that the leap pad needed batteries (AAA lagi)..ayoh. Off we went to 7E. I thought Nabil how to use the Leap Pad. He absolutely loves it and does not bother Ayesha with her Leap Pad anymore.....:)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ayesha turns 13 months

My baby girl is already 13 months old. Time seems to fly these days. I can still remember the days that I was pregnant with her...the delivery...and now she's 13 months old...
At 13 months old she can say mama, dada, kakak go (when she doesn't want the maid), tah, nenen, nanak, nak nak, bang (for abang nabil), shoes. Which i think is pretty good. Congrats Baby!
Ayesha is also capable of walking on her own. Attempts to jump, but the closest she got was a highland fall from the side table to a mattress. She can feed herself, well its messy but she gets food in. She can hit a golf ball with a club (Abang's toys..), loves playing with cars. And can kiss, hug and give a flying kiss.
We're currently learning colours and shapes using her leapfrog pad.

On a different note, my maid has been with us for 1 year..almost. She'll be staying for another year before taking a break to her hometown. Then, the plan is for her to continue for another 2 or 3 years. Thank God! I think this is also due to the influence of MIL's maid which has been with MIL for 8 years. For that I am happy and thankful.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

3 years old and a new class

Yesterday was Nabil's first day attending Playphonics & 3-5 at Tumble Tots. Being a 3-5 class, it does not require parent participation. We were suppose to leave him there to learn and play with the staff & his friends.
So, during the ride to The Curve, Hubby & I told Nabil that he was going to a different class and nobody is bringing their mummy or daddy. He didn't sound too happy about it.
All of us went to send him. I'm thinking that i'll leave once his class starts. But, he made it very clear that he wanted me around. He ran from his class every other minute just to make sure I was still around. Then when i thought he was absorbed in class, i tip toed out, with Hubby. Not even 1 minute away, I could hear him crying. Ouch! that hurts. So, i went back in. Only to get a scolding from him. 'i told you, i want you mummy. Stay here. Understand?!'
Understand, Nabil. So i sat throughout his whole class. grrrr....
I'm thinking that next week, I'll get hubby to send him. Its much easier for him to get away as compared to me.....
Sigh! Must my little boy grow up?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dreaming a little...

A few nights ago, the kids slept early. This means that the parents gets to go out. So, out we went for a mexican dinner. We went to Clientelle or something like dat in Dataran Sunway. Very near our place, just in case the kids wakes up, we can run home. It was my very first Mexican meal. I love the dessert there, Chocolate Chimichangga (i think), Next time, when i need a good dessert, i know where to find it...yummy!
Then on, we went to look a houses in the neighbourhood. I actually spotted a nice house that was for sale. I took down the number. A few days later, i called the number and got a price. RM1.088m. grrrrrr.. The house has 6+1 rooms. Lets see, that means a room for the parents, one for each kids, one guest room, one maid room that 5 playroom? hahhaha, for the kids la! Nah, i should turn it into a library.
I really liked the driveway. It has a long driveway. If we keep minimal amount of cars, the kids would have plenty of room for running. Best!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thank you

Every household would have at least one breadwinner. The idea is to generate incomhne. How important in income? Necessity!
I read that money is just an illussion. Its there but its not necessary. Because of the principles behind it. Money is used as a medium. To purchase something, you need. To obtain a certain lifestyle, you need to spend money. You see, the key word here is lifestyle.
What kind of lifestlye you want determines how much money you need. (statement A)
But for most of us, we live in the world whereby how much money we have, will determine what kind of life we live. (statement B)
We have to shift our life from B to A. Because, it is very important to know what you want. When you know what you want, be thankful for what you want, the How will come naturally.
Its like you have a dream, and you imagine of having it already, so you thank Allah (or whoever you pray to). Allah will see that you can appreciate it and your Doa will be fullfilled.
This kind of dreaming isn't just daydreaming or wishful thinking, it come with real feelings and mindset.
Gratitude is very2 important. I mean if you live in a small house and you want a bigger house. You have to be thankful for what you have first, then be thankful for what you will have. Because imagine God is sitting in your mind. He hears you complaining...'this house is so small, i can't wait to get our of this hell hole'...God is thinking, aren't you lucky you have a place. If you can;t be thankful for what i already gave you, I'm pretty sure you'll never be thankful for a bigger house.
True? I would think so...
Well, all this information didn't come from me, these statements were from books and friends whom i am thankful for.
Today, I made RM1***. I'm happy and thankful for the extra cash. I do know that all the extra cash that keep flowing in will change my lifestyle.
Dear Allah, thank you for the life i have, for the family i have, and for the money that changes our life. Thank you.

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Wardrobe

I absolutely have limited clothes to wear. So limited that its just not funny anymore.
Let's see, I've got 3 reasonable casual tops that actually fits. I'm so sure any woman can tell me that I need to go shopping.
The root of this issue. well...I am to be blamed. Everytime we're at the mall, I'm hovering over the kids things. So excited with the baby Gap, Mothercare, yada yada, that i tend to forget about me.
So, this weekend, I'm buying...
1. that new pair of crocs
2. at least 2 casual blouses
Oh my! to top up that task, I've to find a birthday present for Norman & Nabil. Then I need to finish the party packs.....
See! How not to forget about me? In the midst of preparing a shopping list for me, I've moved on to other things.

I'm wardrobe filled with cloths that i can wear. The how doesn't matter, i just need the result..

Sunday, August 17, 2008

She's now 1

Last Saturday, 16th August 2008, marks Ayesha's first birthday. Being her very first birthday, I decided that it should be celebrated on the day itself. So, there you go, one session on 16th and another party on the 31st (alongside Nabil).
Friday before the big day was a busy day for me. I had lunch with Mama, then we went to Hartamas to get the birthday candles. Then to Ikea/Ikano for more party materials.
Did i mentioned that i told Daddy its just a blow the candle event for Ayesha. hehe, turned into a makan-makan & party for the family too event.
After the run around town in Friday, i sent Mama home via LRT cause i had to rush home to get the kids ready for dinner. Unfortunately, Nabil was already asleep at 6pm, so on ly Ayesha went out for dinner with some friends at One World hotel. Food was good...Thanks, Yein.
Saturday morning was a juggle. We woke up and sang to Ayesha the whole morning (kes family members terlebih excited!) Then, Mummy & Daddy went out to get more presents. We got Ayesha a leapfrog reader and Nabil a small transformers (i tot the whole idea of Aysha getting all the attention would hurt him...) Lucky us, spending RM150 above at Toys R Us, got us some vouchers...untung! Then, i really wanted to go home cause the maid called saying Nabil was crying and he was so sad that mummy & daddy wasn't at home. So, home we went.
Oh yes, did i mentioned that we had to go to OU because Blacky was due for its wax and stuff. Yeah, a 10am appointment. Blacky was ready at 2.30pm.
But at 1pm, Daddy decided that he needed a haircut and insisted that Nabil & I went along for Nabil's hair cut too. I pulled a long face cause i really wanted to spend more time with Ayesha. I mean, its her birthday and she's with the maid athome....*%^*&^!!
Then it was the issue of birthday cake. I had decided on brownies (Secret recepie) and icecream. It takes 30 mins for them to get it ready, in the midst of it..blackout. So, no brownies...Daddy got the Oreos & Cheese.
Its 3.30 and i just got home with Nabil. Got the kids amost ready and along comes the guests......

jap, to be continued....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tumbling Baby

This Saturday marks Sara Ayesha's first birthday. Also an old friend's daughter (Sara Erina) 8th birthday. As I am anxious for Ayesha to turn 1, my lil princess has got ideas of her own.
Ayesha loves to tumble. On the bed is fine with me. She would stand up and put her hands out, head down, and tumble down. Its fun and we enjoy it. But yesterday......grrrr, she tried to do it at the driveway. Although she was standing on the grass, she put her head on the cemented block. Needless to say, she scratched her forehead. Strong lil princess didn't cry when picked up and washed. She was still having fun. boleh tak?????
I am so geram with her. But lil princess loves being outdoors so much.
Today, I'll be in the office till noon. Then I'm off to get things for Ayesha's big day tomorrow.
What do i need?
Party hats..check
what else...
Present..check..erm, enough or not?
Candle..on the way
what else?????
I dunno.........

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Diaper Outlet

Have you ever seen a diaper shop in KL? Nope, not I. Perhaps, its time for KL to have one?

I'd love to open up a diaper outlet. So that, mothers do have an avenue to actually see, touch and perhaps try on diapers before buying. Why is this necessary? Because I've kena a few times, beli diaper only to find out that its slightly small or too big for my loved ones.

I'm cool and i'll just sell it as second hand.

Second hand diapers you say? Yes, there is a market for it in Malaysia. But only for cloth diaper the reusable ones.

So far, i've found that Malaysian mothers prefers pocket and fitted diapers. AIO is not much of a fav cause a dryer isn't a norm her in Malaysia.

I see my diaper shop selling cloth diaper, diaposable diaper, swim diaper, and everything that has to do with diapers. Till then, I'm gonna promote cloth diapering to mothers!

What's not to love? The designs are absolutely cute. The rash is minimal (if any). If you're the one to count dollars and cents, try calculating. Its way much cheaper then disposables.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nabil is occupied

Yesterday morning, Nabil had a surprise from his Gramps. It was a magnifying glass. Its much better then the one i got him a year ago cause its plastic. So, Nabil was everywhere looking for things to look using his magnifying glass. The whole day he was occupied minus the afternoon when he dragged Tah our into the garden looking for insects. They finally caught a butterfly and placed it in a jar. Then 5 minutes later, Nabil insisted that it's time for the butterfly to fly back home to his family. How sweet!
Then, he was back to hunting ants under the dining table, or anywhere he reckons he can find insects...
As i got back to my mom's in the evening, Gramps took Nabil out to buy coconut to make Durian gravy. They got back 10 minutes later with a toy escavator in Nabil's hand, and nothing in Gramps. Apparently, despite going out to get coconut, they got back with a toy instead of a coconut. The grated coconut was still sitting in the shop, waiting to be collected.
Funny, how a child can divert one's attention.
Needless to say, after the whole day of hunting insects and stuff, Nabil slept in the car on the way home.
This morning, he remembered his new toy and played with it the whole journey to Tah's house.
Mummy : what's that u got there?
Nabil : its an escavator, Gramps got it for me
Mummy : mmm
Nabil : and who got me my red yo-yo. Mummy!
Mummy : (smiling)

Isn't my soon to be 3 years old just charming.

Monday, August 11, 2008

It wears a skirt

This year has been great. Last month was my birthday and i got my very own car from Daddy. Its not my ultimate dream car, but its still one of my wannahave cars. Daddy got me a Honda Stream. We had been visualising for sometime already and finally its here. Daddy even let me have my own number WR Q471. That's suppose to read as WR QATi. That's the closest I'll get to my name..

Yesterday, Q471 went to the service centre for his very first service and to put on some skirt. It now wears a modular bodykit (so, i was told). This puts an end to calling Q471 a he cause he now wears a skirt. I'll call it my Blacky. hehhehhe

I've been told that since Blacky wears a skirt, he can't run on the bump. Must take care, if not the skirt will get spoilt. grrr....That's so like a girl! When u wear skirt, you have to take care of you manners, your sitting position. Part of the reason, as a girl i hated wearing skirts. My parents worked ultra hard to get in into one. They'll say things like how pretty i look, very nice, bla bla bla. Then I'll wear it but am uncomfy cause its a skirt. Later, i was introduced to the shorts that looks like skirts... LOVE IT!

Wait a minute...I was talking about Blacky... Neways, Blacky has been enrolled to a grooming to make sure she has her wax and all. Daddy spent a whopping RM650 on Blacky's grooming. Hey daddy, how bout spending that much on me? Next month? Thanks daddy!!!!

Today, I am focusing on happy thoughts. I'm getting ready for Ayesha's 1st birthday this saturday. Read, i say Birthday..not birthday party....:P

Turning Around

The mood : moody
The reason : betrayal

Last weekend, something horrible took place. How bad...bad. It hurt a few people but these few people isn't gonna confront the monster. It hurts me cause i know it hurts my mama. Damn you!

So, that's all I'm saying. Cause as much as I'm disappointed, I do know that focusing energy on it isn't gonna be good. Not for me, not for anyone.

Turning to something beautiful... My Sara Ayesha. Sara Ayesha will be turning 1 this saturday (16/08/08). Although we'll be having a joint birthday party for both Sara Ayesha & Muhamad Nabil on the 31/8/08, I still think that DD deserves to have her first birthday on her own. So yeah, this saturday, we'll have a small get together (family only) for Sara Ayesha.

Despite being only 1 yo, my lil princess has achieved a lot. She has started walking, and rather steadily now. In school, she has graduated from the crawling class to walking. I took a picture of her walking and taking her certificate yesterday. (will post it later). Sara Ayesha can say a few words like dada, papa, tah, nak, nenen, shoes (and she absolutely loves her shoes), books, woof woof. DD has shown that she is smart, charming and has a temper.

The mood : happy
The reason : Sara Ayesha

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Diaper : How I started...

Since I gave birth to my 1st son, Muhamad Nabil, I've been having interest on diapers. I was constantly checking our the l,ocal diaper scene at supermarkets. hahha. But, Nabil only stared using disposable diaper at 2 months old. Before that? He was on lampin. Yeah, u read me right... we used lampin on him. Simply because its healthier.

That is why, during my 2nd pregnancy, I was studying the modern cloth diaper. I started cloth diapering Nabil when he was 1 yr plus. The Sara Ayesha started at birth (as soon as she was out of the hospital).

My diaper journey has been colourful. Event wise & diaper wise.:) I have been studying so much that the more I know, the more I love it. I can't say that I'm now a diaper addict. Because I'm still at a healthy level.

What do i do with all my diaper interest? I was thinking of starting my own diaper shop. How's that? I think that working on my own diaper shop would give me more satisfaction than being an accountant. Oh yes, I have discussed this with Hubby. He's giving the go ahead! Now all I have to do, is make my business plan & find my capital. I believe that once I'm ready with my business plan and preparations, the capital will find its way to me...(rite Daddy?).

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Post Final Exams

As I finished my final exams at Help, I was already looking for a job. Lucky me, a few days after my last paper I started going for interviews.
My first job was with CEIC something. I was doing basically reading financial statements and putting it into the system. How very boring. Needless to say, I needed something more exciting, so, my job hunting never really ended.
One day, I was called for an interview with Amal. This is an insurance company, much to my dad's excitement. On the day of the interview, I had fun. It was a group interview which i knew i scored. me kiasu, but it was that obvious.
So the 2nd interview was ..jeng jeng jeng...a camping trip. Say what? Yeah, a camping trip. My parents were away that weekend, so i just left them a message and off i went to Amal with my back pack. grrr, that I would say is rather crazy. Cause u really do not know what u're up against. I mean what if it was all a set up to kidnap me? (this is what mama & papa was thinking). My elder brother, on the other hand was cool. He called up a friend there, asking what the hell was happening. But she told my bro to chill cause she'll be there.
So, kecoh ok, buat interview mcm nie.
To make it into a more interesting story... Interview started on Saturday morning and ends on Sunday evening. THAT particular Sunday plak is my graduation day. hohhohohohoh. So, I got myself excused early.
But yeah, at Janda Baik, me in my shorts decided to go all out a lead the way during our activities. It was fun, cause this petite chick in shorts was like gila kuasa, within reasons. Heck, I might as well do it cause I'm already in way a lot of trouble (my dad didn't give the go ahead on this trip..he never does).
There, I made friends with a jr from school called Sharifah Nadia. Unfortunately, our friendship basically ended in Janda Baik cause she didn't make it.
I started my Management Trainee program in May 2003. It was a big hohaa. I came in my power suit ( which is now was too small for me..giller ape size 1). My parents actually brought me shopping for my working wardrobe which was basically mostly Edmundser...haha. The big deal here was that my suit came with a skirt, not pants. So, nobody, except 1 person wears skirt in Amal. Well, the skirt is another story, which leads to me meeting my another entry k!


Hello world. Apparently this is as big of a world I can get right now besides the house. Malaysia has been forced to do a restriction moveme...